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Monday, October 7, 2019

Bingo King  /  4:56 AM
Flat Bettors - The Disturbing Truth - How They Are Milked Dry by Greedy Casinos
Flat bettors are casino gamblers who always bet the same amount, and in my opinion they are the casinos very productive milking cows. It only takes a little common sense why this is so; because a flat bettor doesn't stand a bit of a chance to win. Casinos love to welcome flat bettors because they are sure money. If casinos executives would have their way, they would rather that all their customers are flat bettors as it is their surest way to rake in tons of profit.
I'll share with you one of my encounters with a flat bettor in a casino. I was playing Blackjack since that morning, mostly alone, as other gamblers just came and went on my table. Then a middle-aged man sat at the last seat as I was sitting in the first seat. It was the first time I'd seen the man, though I knew later that he was a casino regular for a long time. When the dealers saw him, they treated him very nicely. Every now and then, the pit boss would come and ask him what he wanted. They gave him everything, foods, drinks and vitamins. I presumed he was a doctor because that was what they called him. He was a very silent man. We played together for about six hours but we did not talk to each other. He was a big bettor to my standard. At a table with 4,000 peso limit, he bet 2,000 pesos a hand, while I only bet the minimum 200 pesos.
Together we endured a long and steady losing streak. Because he was a big bettor, his losses were many times larger than mine. In a long losing session, I have many ways of protecting myself from losing heavily. Aside from betting small, sometimes I would pass betting in some rounds. I stand up to stretch more often, take coffee for longer, go to the comfort room more frequently, and so many others. Therefore, though we sat side by side, the man had made more bets than I had.
Then suddenly the cards turned to our favor. Together we won bet after bet. Although his playing was not as strong as mine, we both won anyway. As if the lords above saw what we've been into and decided to give it to us just this time. This was the winning streak I was preparing to happen. As my style of play called for, I was increasing my bets and was now betting the table maximum of 4,000 pesos.
The doctor however continued betting 2,000 pesos a hand. He never changed the amount of his bets, never taking advantage of our winning streaks. I knew he had lost too much and I wanted to tell him it was time he recouped his losses. I actually had nearly told him but I did not have the courage as he looked unfriendly to me. Besides it is not my way to make comments on others.
What I did was to make my actions obvious to him. I intentionally displayed my chips loosely in front so he would notice. He did notice what I did but he did not seem to get the message. I thought he even misunderstood me. Taking advantage of hot sequences was just not his betting style. The hot sequences lasted for quite a while and I was already ahead by 18,000 pesos. The doctor was not even able to get even.
After a while, when the winning consequences were over, we stopped together. He walked away probably thinking I just got lucky. I stayed in the casino for a while, though I did not play anymore.
If a gambler decides to take gambling seriously, he should avoid flat betting as it won't get him anywhere but disaster. It is only good if a gambler plays only for a short while and plays less often. But if a gambler decides to play on a stretch, he would always come out a loser in the end. The casino advantage will grind away his money, slowly and steadily. The longer he stays playing, the bigger profit the casinos will get from him.

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